Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Goat Roast

That's G-O-A-T R-O-A-S-T, as in PIG.
It's hard to shed our earlier vision of the sub-terrain, roasting goat with a ring of salivating, hungry RPCVs and families awaiting excavation. So, we'll retain the "Goat Roast" vision but most likely substitute pig for goat. Perhaps we should more appropriately be calling it Luau. Pork may be the carnivore's choice of the two, but for those adverse to all meat there will be plenty of dishes from which to choose. Was there ever a RPCV potluck where this was not true? One thing for sure that RPCV-training, or in-country service accomplished is the production of great international cooks! I will also be repeating last year's smoked turkey. It had the strange phenomenon of completely disappearing by the time I had finished carving.
This email is your second reminder. Set Sunday, April 29, aside, two months from today. It's Goat Roast, Pig Roast, Luau Day at my house. You may invite friendly friends and family. It starts at 5:00AM when the pyre is lit and progresses throughout the day until bodies full bellies barely navigate back home.
Those not wanting to miss the initial phase are invited to spend the night Saturday. To help in preparations, please RSVP with the number in your party as soon as you know who's coming.
Hope to see you. (And, don't forget the 3-night, 4-day RPCV Campout at Stampede Reservoir starting 14 June! Again, open to all.)
Howard Koons
Malaysia in the 60's
530 888-7335

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